Aviation Enthusiast

aka Hangar Rat
aka Private Pilot

After over 4 years of ownership and a lot of TLC,
I've sold N58596, my prized Skylane.

Looking for a partner, and a temporary flying arrangement did not work. At today's fuel cost, my focus on my business, and restricted funds, I cannot afford to fly her. It pains me even more to watch her sit idle. Especially after all the work I've put into her.

1973 Cessna Skylane 182P

We delivered my Skylane, aka 'Baby'
to its new owner in June. It was most certainly an 'adventure'! Between weather and a clogged airspeed indicator, the stress level was up a bit.

N58596 has been well maintained for the past 4+ years. Before purchase I had an experienced Cessna IA perform a pre-buy on the aircraft. Even though she looked in good condition when we inspected her back in 2003, I have invested a significant amount of work in front of the firewall. At this point, there is little that has not been rebuilt or replaced in the engine compartment since early 2003. The engine compartment is crisp!

In late 1999, the previous owner completed a full six cylinder top overhaul on the engine. This engine runs very smooth and reliably. The addition of a JPI engine monitor allow me to watch each cylinder's performance very closely. The JPI also has the fuel flow option to closely monitor the endurance of the flight. I've flown '596 in full IFR conditions on several occasions and have never been concerned about the reliability of my powerplant.

From the time I first purchased Five Niner Six, our mission has been for travel. She 'Trues Out' at 135 knots consistently. I have rarely flown her just "around the patch". Once I get to altitude and level off, it doesn't take long to get her cruising along without much control input. A wing leveler is handy while reading maps or pulling approach plates. Everybody that has flown in N58596 with me during IFR exercises agree that the Skylane is very good platform for Instrument Flight. The instrument stack makes switching controllers easy and the glideslope and NDB are right on. And, of course, the panel is fully lit.



See my new blog about Aircraft Ownership
and other Flying and Aviation related topics.

Aviation Adventure Blog

  A few pics of my Skylane . . .

  . . . not only that, I had a home built for "baby" . . .

Progress pics of the construction

September 3, 2003
I pass my Instrument Rating Practical Test
And Add Instrument Pilot to my ticket!

Some Airborne Aviation Pics

Bell Ride at Oshkosh '04 (15mb video)

Alton Bay, NH Fly-IN
February 15, 2004
A V.E.R.Y ICEY Day !


Blair of Maine Aviation
Hangin at
Bravo One-Niner
Life with
The Beemahs

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